Offshore Drilling

Oceans have provided us with massive resources of fossil fuels and they still continue to do so. Since decades, petroleum companies have been on a constant lookout for the availability of reserves around the globe.

Offshore drilling is the process of extracting petroleum and natural gas by drilling a borehole in the seabed using a fixed or mobile Rig located off the coast, in open ocean and deepwater regions.

Today there are various types of offshore rigs available depending upon the water depth and prevailing conditions in which the rig is to be operated.

These offshore rigs can be broadly classified as below:

  • Drilling barges
  • Jack-up Rigs
  • Submersible Rigs
  • Semi-Submersible Rigs
  • Drill ships

Offshore Drilling by Jindal Drilling & Industries Limited (JDIL)

Jindal Drilling & Industries Limited (JDIL) part of the D.P. Jindal Group Drilling Division, is a leading company amongst Indian private sector companies in offshore drilling in India’s Oil & Gas sector with operation since 1989.

JDIL has to its credit around 30 years of operational experience backed by an accomplished staff and crew. With expertise in all areas of Oil and Gas sector coupled with the impeccable quality of service and extensive expertise that the workforce possesses, we are proud to say that JDIL’s workforce is its greatest investment.

JDIL has achieved nearly a 100% efficiency standard across all its rigs. Paying the highest attention to health and safety regulations of all its workers, JDIL boasts of significantly higher commercial speed than its competitors and other operator owned rigs.